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While Doc blogs by answering email in public, I'm a big fan of forwarding. For example, from what little of my mail I made it through today I learned:

  • SecretJustice.org is a site devoted to supporting the adoption of proposed Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32.1 — a rule that would permit citation of all judicial dispositions, contrary to rules in many jurisdictions barring citation of unpublished dispositions in briefs or otherwise. The site is useful regardless of how you feel about citation of unpublished dispositions (assuming of course you have an opinion, or even know what the heck I'm talking about), in light of its comprehensive collection of public comments for and against the amendment. (I see Steve Minor has weighed in [PDF]; he's "pro.") Also, the current issue of the Journal of Appellate Practice and Process (Vol. 5, No.2, Fall 2003) has a pertinent article by Boalt Hall's Stephen Barnett: "No-Citation Rules Under Siege: A Battlefield Report and Analysis."

  • Thinking of nominating yourself or someone else for a 2004-05 Presidential Appointment to an American Bar Association standing committee, special committee, or commission? (Sounds very official, doesn't it?) Okay. You have until March 1. (And oh yeah, the nominee has to be an ABA member. I'm not sure, but I think that means however much you might want to nominate Gary Turner to the Law and National Security Committee, it's probably a lost cause.)

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