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Head Breakfast

Some choice morsels:

John Battelle, in today's L.A. Times, on Yahoo's paid inclusion plans:

As for Jahosky's complaint that small firms will find it harder to stand out among big businesses, that just means search engines are growing to resemble more traditional forms of media, said John Battelle, who co-founded Wired magazine and now runs the site Searchblog.

"At the end of the day," he said, "those with more money to spend on getting their message out get their message out louder."

Also in today's L.A. Times, SCO's CEO packs heat:

Darl McBride, chief executive of SCO Group Inc., says he sometimes carries a gun because his enemies are out to kill him.

Dennis Kennedy's forthcoming issue of IP Memes (out next Monday) includes a reference to an adaptation from Larry Lessig's forthcoming book, Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity (shipping March 25). It appears in the current issue of Legal Affairs magazine, and deconstructs his oral argument in Eldred:

That was a correct answer, but it wasn't the right answer. The right answer was to say that there was an obvious and profound harm. Any number of briefs had been written about it. Kennedy wanted to hear it. And here was where Don Ayer's advice should have mattered. This was a softball; my answer was a swing and a miss.

Finally, Genie Tyburski pointed earlier this week to a promising looking new resource:

(3 Mar) Yale Lillian Goldman Law Library recently launched a free beta site for U.S. Supreme Court records and briefs. According to site documentation, the library selects cases for inclusion "based on a ranking developed from citation data in historical and constitutional texts." In other words, if one of 15 authorities (see list at the site) cites to a case, the library will add the records and briefs to this archive.

In addition to browsing the archive, you can search it by U.S. Reports citation, author, type of document, date or keyword. However, in testing the search feature this morning, only the citation field yielded results.

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