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Feeds And Foods For Thought

Anthony Paonita has an article in Corporate Counsel on law related sites with RSS — Feeding Time — in which he notes my undiagnosed and untreated ADHD (though he generously refrains from calling it that) and somewhat spotty RSS feed. So although this may violate or ignore certain "garbage in, garbage out" principles, I just ran my existing RSS 0.91 feed through FeedBurner, with the desired effect of not breaking existing subscriptions yet giving new subscribers more options. The new feed is here, and if you prefer a stripped down summary version, it's here. Note the old feed still works. Your feedback (sorry) is most welcome. (In his article, Anthony mentions parenthetically but interestingly that "Corporate Counsel's Web site, corpcounsel.com, and its sibling site, law.com, should have an RSS feed by early summer.")


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