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DotSpotted At The Car Wash

Stock of the day: Clorox (CLX). Why? It owns Armor All. Ahhh...

DotSpot Wireless will begin targeting automotive industry businesses, so that people waiting for their cars to be serviced or cleaned can be online and productive during a time that was normally wasted. The next wave of installations planned by DotSpot Wireless will include the medical industry: doctors' offices, dialysis centers and medical labs, another market segment where people often have to wait for long periods and where free Wi-Fi access is sure to be welcomed.

That's free (ad supported) WiFi these folks are talking about. From DotSpot: "[O]ur research shows that consumers are more than willing to view advertising while surfing, working or chatting for free at locations where they previously were only able to thumb through old magazines." Okay, but how obnoxious are the ads? The answer could radically raise or lower my tolerance for windshield buggage.

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