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Backchatter Re Powell Chat

Michael Clark emails:

Am I missing something or was the Lessig::Powell conversation something of a non-event? Where were the sparks over what a disaster MP is presiding over re: (inter alia) spectrum ... And, btw, can we all get together and come up w/ a better poster child for the first amendment than Howard Stern?

With 545,000 indecency complaints to the FCC just this year, that last point shouldn't be too hard. Wonder if those are public?

[Update:] Ernest Miller re indecency complaints to the FCC:

Isn't Powell just a little concerned about this process? Should prosecutors decide what crimes to prosecute based on public complaints, or should the DA's office use their own discretion to decide? Yes, there have been an increasing number of complaints, but is that because the content of television has changed overnight (complaints skyrocketing in a single year) or because of an organized campaign by groups like the Parents Television Council? Doesn't Powell think we should be just a little skeptical when complaints have jumped from 111 in all of 2000 to 545,000 in the first quarter of 2004?

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