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FeedBurner: Creative Commons, Podcasts, Mobility, Oh My

I figured out (with the help of Eric and Joe at FeedBurner) why no Creative Commons license information was coming through in Bag and Baggage's feeds, and learned a bunch of other interesting stuff to boot:

  • Some of FeedBurner's settings apparently can cancel each other out. My Creative Commons information wasn't visible until I turned off the "Mobile Burner" and the "Content-Type Burner" (that last tweak was necessary because I'm using "SmartFeed").

  • FeedBurner's "SmartCast" lets you post podcast content in any feed.

  • FeedBurner has a Mobile Feed Reader that as of Jan. 9 supports the Sony Ericsson K700i (and a slew of other mobile devices). I just downloaded it, and you know what? A phone has not realized its full potential until it can read Engadget and BoingBoing.

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