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Smells Like White Shoe Spirit

To Laura Owen's current Change or Die article at Law.com (Laura is Director, Worldwide Legal Services, for Cisco), Dennis Kennedy adds some excellent color commentary: "At that point, I noticed the wafting smell of death coming from the traditional approach to the practice of law."

Related nice pluggages:

  • Ms. Owen's article highlights my firm's Fifty State HIPAA Privacy Study: "Reed Smith recently created an online database for new privacy laws that affect medical providers. Members of the alliance that used an RFP to produce this site pay a fixed price per year to find quick answers to compliance questions."

  • Scroll a little further down for Dennis Kennedy's 2004 Legal Blogging Awards (The Blawggies). While I humbly accept — and certainly feel doddering enough to deserve — the Lifetime Achievement award, I think Ernie would probably agree a more apt category would be Best Supporting Actor.

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