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Monday Miscellany

Congratulations JD and Marc, and welcome ourmedia! "The personal media revolution is turning multimedia."

Via Dave Winer: last month Amazon filed a patent application for "plogging." [Update:] Doug Sorocco notes in email that "the plogging patent app. was filed August 13, 2003" — interesting! — "and published February 17, 2005."

From Doug Sorocco: a screencast/scrawdcast that "walks you through the steps of keyword searching the US Patent and Trademark Office's online issued patent and pending application database."

The Federal Circuit Bar Association's 7th annual Bench and Bar Conference will be June 22-25 in Kiawah Island, South Carolina.

I won't be at the FCBA event (and will unfortunately probably have to miss LegalTech LA as well) , because if I can work out the scheduling, travel, and childcare logistics, I'll be excited to be speaking at Gnomedex. I see Chris just added Adam Curry as a keynote — cool! Registration for Gnomedex is here.

[Update:] The Engadget podcast lives!

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