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A Rave Review Of Blawg Review

Wow! Ok, I get the whole "Carnival" thing now. These have never been on my regular reading list, but as of yesterday's inaugural installment, Blawg Review sure is. Evan Schaeffer did an amazing job of selecting and highlighting 31 posts from the world of law blogs. I see now that by having different volunteers do this every week, you wind up with a unique cross-section of material you might never have found or thought to look for yourself. (That is, if everyone includes links they selected themselves in addition those that were submitted; I hope they do.) My current mood meter is registering high in the "spread too darn thin" range at the moment, so I can't quite muster the initiative to volunteer to host a week yet. But I can see I'm going to enjoy and look forward to these posts immensely. Great organizational effort Evan, Kevin, and whoever you are. The blawgosphere needed this. Hopefully it will be a vehicle for introducing the long tail of law bloggers to a diverse and dispersed readership.

Though Evan's whole post deserves your rapt attention, my nugget of choice is (unsurprisingly) from his "not easily classifiable" category: Professor Shaun Martin on judicial linguistics. Can someone please explain how it can take four whole months for a weblog by a law professor writing on California appellate and Ninth Circuit decisions to come to the attention of a California appellate lawyer/blogger?? Steve Gillmor, take me away! (Here's Professor Martin's Atom feed, by the way.)

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