« 2005.04.03 Show Notes | Main | On Deck; Queued Up »

Salsa Is A Vegetable

Really, no foolin'. There is hope for my nutricicidal tendencies yet. Via this wonderful if musty post that isn't afraid to make the next logical inquiry: "Now, can we make onion dip a vegetable?" Or clam dip for that matter? Ah yes, that's from the seafood part of the food pyramid.

But enough about nutrition, on to weightier stuff. Like AutoDrink™:

4. What if I don't want to use Auto-Drink™?

No problem – simply turn off Auto-Drink™ on your Google Gulp preferences page.

5. Well, shouldn't Auto-Drink™ be default-off?

You mean we should cripple a perfectly useful feature just because of a little bad PR?

6. Yes.


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