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Good Speakers, And The Price Is Right

If you'll be in Northern California on May 16, you might be interested in a free program to be hosted by Reed Smith from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in Menlo Park. It's called Success Strategies for Today's Silicon Valley. The program will feature a keynote by Cisco's General Counsel Mark Chandler, about whom Rick Klau has had some good commentary in the past. All of the Reed Smith lawyers involved are dynamic and knowledgeable folks, and the topics include such hot issues as the DMCA and the scope of Sarbanes-Oxley. Two of my appellate colleagues will talk about maximizing your chances of prevailing "before, during, and after trial and on appeal," which, while it might not qualify as a "hot" issue, is an important one near and dear to every litigant's (and appellate lawyer's) heart. You can register at that first link above.

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