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Bikram Choudhry and Open Source Yoga Unity have settled their copyright and trademark dispute. From the Hindustan Times:

[T]hree people involved in the case, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that Choudhury has agreed not to sue the 50 members of the San Francisco-based yoga cooperative for copyright violations. And cooperative members have agreed not to advertise the trademarked name 'Bikram' without authorisation by Choudhury.

The settlement avoids a June 20 trial that might have settled the legal question of whether Choudhury's copyrighted package of 26 poses and two breathing exercises, performed in a certain sequence, could be legally protected in federal court.

Of course it's best the parties have resolved their differences without a trial, but it would have been interesting to see whether heating the courtroom to 106 degrees would have slowed down the court reporter at all.

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