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In Like Flynn

So here it is, apple.com/podcasting: "Welcome to the Golden Age of Podcasting." The podcasting aisle of the iTunes Music Store looks and works like this. If your own podcast or your favorite others are not already in the iTunes directory, you can add them by submitting the RSS feeds — it's not automatic and immediate though, looks like there is a review process. (IT Conversations and The Bag and Baggage Podcast are in there, so Dude! All you need to do is subscribe.) You can also subscribe to shows not in the directory manually from the "Advanced" tab. And there are instructions for using GarageBand to create podcasts, with pointers to Blogger and FeedBurner for blog publishing and RSS services. So far, very, very nice. What would make my day is the ability to import my existing subscription list/OPML file. Anyone figured out if this works?

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