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Podcast Industry Validation; Choice, Beautiful Choice

Disruptions 2005 (pic) today was good fun, many thanks to our moderator Hank Barry, and copanelists David Thomas, VP/General Manager of the SIIA's Software Division, and Glenn Magala, VP and CIO at Atari. Thanks too to Deloitte for a great event, still in progress.

A couple of notes to the Gillmor Gang (who've touched on both subjects recently) from my travels today:

  • There's an article in Southwest Airlines Spirit Magazine about techie trucker Tom Wiles. Too bad it's not online, but his blog and podcast are.

  • Yeah, the Internet operating system is just about here. My tidbit of proof: blogging from Oakland Airport's Laptop Lane; traveling light today, no computer, but they've got 'em if you need 'em. All I need is a browser to check in and get things done, and the icing on the cake are the options you're given when checking in: "IE, Firefox, or AOL?" Ahh...

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