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Timely (If Not Appropriately Named)

After you get done chuckling about the fact Baker & McKenzie partner and privacy expert Theo Ling has guested on a podcast called "LyingOnTheBeach," and about the fact Baker seems utterly to have missed Ernie Svenson's post about better photos for your law firm Web site, do be sure to listen to the show, which looks important and timely:

Theo Ling, Partner of Baker & McKenzie a leading International law firm, talks about how the world of electronic storage and transmissions have dramatically changed the way corporations and individuals have to deal with privacy issues. There are many new laws people are unaware of and new laws in the making that everyone has to be know about if they want to be legally safe. Every new electronic invention opens up a whole new set of rules that we never had to be concerned with when we dealt just in the world of paper.

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