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The Inevitable

Two things that were bound to happen:

  1. The RIAA's assertion that ripping is not fair use, as noted by Fred von Lohmann; "So your ability to continue to make copies of your own CDs on your own iPod is entirely a matter of their sufferance." Fred quotes some of the argument from MGM v. Grokster ("it's perfectly lawful"), that also refers (I presume) to the RIAA site's "Ask the RIAA" section, specifically, "What is your stand on MP3s?:" "If you choose to take your own CDs and make copies for yourself on your computer or portable music player, that's great. It's your music and we want you to enjoy it at home, at work, in the car and on the jogging trail." Note the phrasing reinforcing Fred's "suffrance" observation: "we want you..." But there's a word for the potential impact of such statements on related legal proceedings; it's estoppel.

  2. Mad Kane's ode to America's favorite marksman. [Update:] And yet another, this one set to the tune of an old family favorite.

[Update:] Please see Cathy Kirkman's further Thoughts on RIAA and CD Ripping.

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