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Additude Adjustment

I'll be heading to Santa Clara soon for the upcoming New Communications Forum, where Elizabeth Fletcher, Maurene Grey, and I are going to lead a panel discussion called Blogging, The First Amendment and the Law: An Uneasy Cohabitation. I've started aggregating related links at del.icio.us tag "newcommforum06+firstamendment." If you have additional resources or nuances we should consider, we would love to hear from you; either post them to that tag, leave a comment, or send me an email.

I also have a discounted registration for the event that is looking for a good home. If you're interested in attending for $375 instead of the regular $895 price, let me know.

Finally, last week my firm published some of my thoughts on advertising in its online publication ADLAW By Request. You're welcome to check them and it out.

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