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Today's New Blawg — And Extreme Podcast!

Lots of people tune out the subway with their headphones. But how many let you tune it in with their microphone? While I don't know the answer to that question, I do know that IP litigator Ray Dowd of Small Firm Life is one of them — here's his Small Firm Life Podcast — and that I'm quite honored and touched to have been the inspiration for his foray into shall-we-say-less-than-optimal audio. I agree with Ray that even "extreme" podcasts (and plawdcasts/blawgcasts — ah, can't you just hear Regina George insisting that Gretchen "stop trying to make 'fetch' happen!"?) of the "rough and unvarnished" variety can be quite compelling, though I do love it when the folks at IT Conversations make me sound like less of a putz. Happy commuting Ray, I'm subscribed.

And happy one year birthday to Evan Schaeffer's and the Mommycasters' truly excellent 'casts, that are about as far from poor production values as one can get. (Yet often "extreme." In the best possible ways.)

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