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Worlds Collide

Colette Vogele recently blogged from both the E-Commerce Best Practices Conference at Stanford Law School, and from the IP Commons session at Vloggercon. She was understandably (do you think the increasingly creaky phrase "e-commerce" was uttered even once at Vloggercon?) struck by the contrast: "I see a pretty big disconnect on how copyright is viewed from the big companies' perspective and from the perspective of the 'citizen media' producers or grass roots content producers. It'll be very interesting as these two groups deal with each other over time."

Colette will be my next guest on Sound Policy; we recorded the show today and she had excellent comments about the Podcasting Legal Guide and legal issues relating to podcasting in general. I'll let you know when it's up. In the meantime, toward the end of the show we were talking about some of Colette's favorite podcasts and she, like me, is a fan of Stanford's Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders lecture series. I hadn't listened in awhile, but Colette gave the big thumbs up to Marissa Mayer's recent talk. I listened on the way home and Colette was right, it's a great first-hand account of the company's philosophies and culture. (Thus did I also learn Marissa shares one of my unfortunate but hopefully somewhat endearing traits [update/confirmation, we have an "endearing"]: the occasional punctuation of public remarks with a goofy/maniacal laugh.)

Colette and I are co-panelizing at the Corporate Podcasting Summit on Wednesday, and I'll be around in Nor-Cal (mostly really Nor-Cal) for the rest of the week.

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