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Move Over Snakes On A Plane, Here're Birds On A Blog

My dad called me all a-twitter tonight, when he caught this report on the CBS Evening News about PigeonBlog, which mashes up feathers and FLOPS in the name of air quality monitoring. Turns out there will be a big PigeonBlog pigeon release right here in River City next month, at what looks to be a delightfully geeky event I'd not yet heard of: UbiComp 2006. One thing's certain: Bruce Sterling's keynote won't be for the birds:

Ubicomp: Reifying the Fantastic

Suppose a world really occurs where ubiquitous computing is as common as electricity and radio are today. What would that look and feel like and how would we describe it? Bruce Sterling has been working on a science fiction novel with exactly this topic, and has some thoughts to share on all things physical, fabbable, ambient, findable, and pervasive.

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