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Today's New Blawg

Wow! A full seven years in the making and seven volumes in length, Bill Patry's Patry on Copyright treatise is now available. (At $1,498.00 for the whole shebang, at least West gives you free shipping! I'll have to start saving my pennies.) There can be no doubt it's a treasure trove; you can get Bill's full rundown here:

I have also tried to place copyright issues in the personal, social, and political contexts in which they arose: there are anecdotes aplenty and enough references to other scholars and disciplines to give a generation of law students ideas for law review notes. I have also drawn on my eight years experience in the legislative branch of government into how problems are identified, debated and ultimately resolved or not at the policy level. . . .

Perhaps best of all is the news the work will update twice annually (this may be difficult to grasp in the context of a blog post, but a twice yearly update to a legal treatise is way up there on the frequency scale), and that it has its own blog, the Patry Treatise Blog:

The purpose of this blog is to begin to break down the one-way nature of legal treatises. I am interested in dialogue, and in improving my own understanding. Usually, one person gets the ball rolling, and that's how I regard the treatise: it was a way for me to organize and discipline my thoughts. . . .

I want it. (It's less sleek than an iPhone, but no doubt just as useful.)

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