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Stuff Other People Think I Should Be Reading

I'm mucking out the inbox today and have gotten it down to its cleanest in months, a mere 40 or so left. (That puts the whole thing on a single page in Gmail. Key.)

Some themes stand out from the mass: blawgs people want me to read; products or people they want me to check out; legal issues they want to discuss as potential fodder for TWiL, Lawgarithms, or their own endeavors; requests for participation in people's academic or online examinations of aspects of the Live Web; conference and speaking stuff; and pointers to posts about work life balance and diversity in business and in law. Here are some items from the latter bucket:

  • Catherine Price for Salon's Broadsheet, Getting ahead by working at home?: "The work paradigm, as it has stood for the past century, has been designed for work only, with no room for the complexities and challenges of trying to simultaneously raise a family. It's like trying to stuff both your legs through one side of your jeans -- sure, if you try hard enough you can probably do it, but you're probably going to rip your favorite pair of pants."

  • Mister Thorne, A step in the Right Direction: "This firm is seen leading a serious effort to combat a persistent social problem: poorly educated children."

  • Frank Pasquale, A Market for Flexible Law Practice: "Perhaps the ABA should require the disclosure of answers to questions like these, like the FDA requires nutritional labeling."

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