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BlogHer Conference Calling

I'm on the phone with two of my three BlogHer co-panelists, discussing our session on 'Professional Blogging: Business Considerations Art and Commerce.' (Yawn...also discussing renaming it!) We'll be on July 27 at 2:45 p.m. It's fun listening to these folks (none of whom I've met before), I'm looking forward to the event. On the panel with me are:

  • Moderator Nina Smith ("We're here, we're queer, and we're not going shopping without coupons")

  • Liz Gumbinner ("We're just a few moms that track down cool stuff so you can stay busy being fabulous"), and

  • Kelly Erb, a.k.a. TaxGirl (" Yeah, I’m one of those annoying people that you don’t want to see a movie with… I constantly question the tax consequences of plot lines. It’s a sickness.")

All smart and interesting; this should be fun!

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