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Where did you love going as a kid? Where do you like taking yours now?  #kidplace

Building damns
Originally uploaded by tomeppy

I think all parents re-live their childhoods a bit in the process of raising their kids. One way I do it time and again is by tracking down and revisiting places I remember loving as a youngster. Since I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoys reminiscing in this way, I'm starting a Twitter hashtag: #kidplace. Add #kidplace to your tweets about where you went back then, or where you like taking your little ones now, and perhaps we'll wind up with a nice, tagged set of suggestions for activities around the English-speaking world.

Reader Comments (2)

First I'd like to say that I have enjoyed your "blawg" so much that I've posted a link to it in my graduate class. ( Ed. Tech )In this week's DQ forum. Regarding sharing beloved childhood haunts with children, I've recently been re-energized as my daughter is expecting my first grand child.
Growing up in Southern Calif.,La Jolla Cove, Little Italy even Disneyland ( despite its materialistic departure from Walt's intent)take on new magic just imagining being able to introduce these places to new generations.Thanks for your post(s)

February 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCindyA

Thanks Cindy! As a relative newcomer to SoCal I really appreciate your reminiscences.

February 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDenise

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