

Thanks to Jason Schultz, fair use not only has a posse, it has a Flickr group:

A place to post photos where you are not the copyright holder of the photo or imagery in the photo but still genuinely believe it to be a fair use, e.g., a personal non-commercial use, an artistic transformative use, or for purposes of parody/commentary/criticism. (There are many other forms of fair use but those are the most common).

Fair Use has a Posse


Poddy Training

September 28: The Podcast Academy (video). I'm the legal department.

September 29-30: The Podcast and Portable Media Expo. The legal department grows, and has both a wiki and a forum — please contribute, we'd love to hear from you.


Attending To Details

In the event I can make it up north for the Attention conference (working on it), I did stumble on the appropriate upper floor decor:

This Interested


Dean Tootin' (aka Today's New Blawg)

Lawrence R. Velvel of the Massachusetts School of Law pulls no punches about his thoughts on the Seventh Circuit's recent decision in a case involving IBM's pension plan. He thinks it's "abominable," and a product of "the dishonesty one reviles and the federal judiciary about which one rarely writes." He explains why, then follows up, on his blog. (Dean Velvel is also a podcaster.)

By the way, Dean Velvel is the first blogging law school dean I've yet encountered. If there are others, do let me know.


A Case Of Premature Back-Patting

A couple of things stood out about the L.A. Times article yesterday titled "This Mommy Track May Go Somewhere; Some companies offer a chance to advance on a schedule that allows more time at home." (Howard Bashman linked it, so you can access it at least temporarily — I've mentioned the link rot issue before — from his post.)

First, this may sound a little strange but in this day and age shouldn't any article examining "Mommy Track" also discuss the plight of men in the similar situation?

Second, I am not one to judge anyone's approach to parenting (within reasonable bounds of course), particularly the approach of another lawyer/mom. Everyone has to do whatever works for them. But I would not want to be the kid who stumbled on this quote from my mom — "I know if I were home with my kids every day I'd be insane..." — in my travels.

The San Francisco Bar Association will hold a Work/Life Balance Conference on September 21 from 1:00 to 5:15 p.m., with the following worthwhile-looking (particularly the second panel) program:

  • Can We Afford Part Time? The Business Case for Balanced Hours

  • GenX and GenY Speak: A Panel of Younger Attorneys Tells Us What They can Provide, Want and Need

  • Best Practices: Work/Life Measures that Really Work