
There's A Good Chance You Grew Up In California In The '70's If...

Jackson Browne's music just does not get old. (Leave his Web site up in a separate browser tab and let the tuneage roll.)

The thought of someone "going commando" (particularly in emergency circumstances) just does not alarm you. All that much. Except of course if we're talking about Tori Spelling. (Eew.)


TWiL Theme Music Contenders

Care to have any input on the theme music we pick to accompany this WEEK in LAW, coming soon to If so, give a listen to

Let me know which you like! The comment box is right down there. And if you'd like to suggest other tracks we might be interested in using — they should be podsafe or Creative Commons licensed (not all CC stuff will work, but let me worry about that) — suggestions are most welcome.


Happy Happy

Happy one year anniversary to Coast to Coast.

Happy Labor Day from the Workplace Profs and Blawg Review.


Podcasters Rock

Seriously, Paul Figgiani (Gigavox Media), Steve Holden (TechNewsRadio), and Victor Cajiao (Typical PC User Podcast; Typical Mac User Podcast; Immigration Tales Podcast), you guys have been so incredibly generous and helpful I scarcely know what to do with myself. Thank you so much. Victor sums up (and embodies) the coolness of the podcasting community and its helpful and encouraging spirit too well:

Steve Holden from Tech News Radio Podcast, told me that [Denise] needed some assistance doing her Skype recording and that [she] and I had similar Mackie Onyx Boards.

I called her on the phone and she had already figured out 99% of the entire deal thanks to this article. Anyway to make a long story, longer, we had a very nice chat, I explained some foundational things about audio and getting gain correct on the Mackie and how and why we need AUX 1 and AUX 2.

Bottom line she was able to record a live Skype call between her and I, and I think she is ready. The Coooool part is how in the podcasting community people that have never met each other (Like Denise and I) can come together with a common goal in a matter of minutes and produce something that will eventually be of value to the everyone in the Podsphere. No egos, no bias, just people helping other people produce content. It's a beautiful thing man, it just is.

Amen, I couldn't agree more, and did I ever need "some foundational things" explained! Now I'm, ahem, just an old pro...


A Different Sort Of Locker Gnome (And Other Newsiness)