
Today's New Blawg:  Lawgarithms

Today's new blawg is Lawgarithms at ZDNet by — well hey, would you look at that, it seems I'm the author. It's where I plan to "Issue-Spot the Live Web," which is made all the simpler because the issues are plentiful and sometimes even well-mannered enough to come to you. [Update:] now works.


Out And About

Here are Christine Hurt and Dan Gillmor on Frank Quattrone's imminent homecoming.

Culver City's municipal WiFi is blocking activities deemed to be infringement and porn using CopySense. Wow. Subpenas ahoy.

If I were L.A. Times writer Maura Dolan, I'd be pretty seriously ticked off. Here she writes this nice if late-to-the-party story (Blawg Review's Ed. had it on July 18, and Marty emailed the Between Lawyers the day before that) about Allison Margolin and her now famous YouTube video, but does it get any play in the blawgosphere? Not hardly. Why? 'Cause bloggers abhor (1) barriers to their readers' experience (site registration) and (2) link rot (the story's link will self-destruct when it slips behind the Times' archive wall). Or, maybe we just remember the crummy treatment the Times sent Kevin Heller's way.

"Straight Outta Lynwood:" Here's on Weird Al's latest.

Lookee there, seems Grouper got grabbed.

Remittitur issued today in Apple v. Does.

Do the River feeds pages Doc is enamored of work on regular old smart phones too? Gonna find out. (Right in line with Doc's comments from the latest Gillmor Gang about "invention being the mother of necessity.") [Update:] Oh yeah, they work great. Here're Dave Winer's related post and about page, and a handful of additional mobile pages.


Today's New Blawg

It's not updated very frequently (calls itself a "blog magazine") but there's some great stuff over at the Economics and Intellectual Property blog, including this interview with Hal Abelson on "the responsibility that universities have to create, preserve and disseminate knowledge in the face of challenges from technology and increasingly stringent intellectual property laws."




Day's Best Headline, Etc.

John Paczkowski: "Reason for leaving last job: Violated the privacy of 600,000 company customers."

Disruptions 2006 is called "Convergence 2.0;" agenda.

From the silver lining department, here's Joe Gratz,
OLGA Shut Down. Again.
: "It was my outrage at this apparent injustice, in part, that led me to start learning about copyright law."

And from the Free Sushi department, here's Professor Lessig in Japanese at CNET Japan.