
Brilliant And Inevitable


Glad That's Settled

Think I've decided what to do on Vox: have fun.


Top 5 Material

A strong contender for a spot in the top 5 unanswered legal questions of the Live Web is the price "independent" creators (video producers, writers, podcasters, photographers, programmers, etc.) are willing (or not willing) to pay in the "user generated content" boom for the privilege of participation in a structured community, achieving wider distribution and visibility, the ability to quit (or augment) their day job, or any combination of the above. Ze Frank touches on these issues in Part II of his interview on Business Week — The Cutting Edge ("Copyright & Control").

Frank Barnako highlights the commercial demand for (and increasing market clout of) such creators: "If Starbucks REALLY wants to re-bond, it should be using real people with something real to say."


Among The Many Reasons I'm Glad I Passed The Bar Exam 16 Years Ago

PMBR can no longer mirror questions from the MultiState to help you study. Ouch. If bar passage rates drop precipitously next year? This is why.

Other items of recent interest:


Vox Unpopulated

I've been wondering what to do with the Vox blog I recently set up. Link blog? Idea incubator? Mommy blog? Blog-where-no-one-knows-it's-me? (Oops.) Suggestions welcome. It's a cool blogging tool in the way it integrates social networking and other services, I'm enjoying playing with it. I have some invitations if you'd like to give it a try.

Joe Gratz is using his to document what looks to be a very exciting trip. Safe travels, Joe, I'll look forward to following along.