
Techmeme Foursome

I was about to head off to bed, but thought I'd check in with Techmeme, whose creator Gabe Rivera I was happy to meet last week, to see if there was perhaps just one story of broad legal interest I might highlight here before dozing off. I should've known it would be impossible to narrow it down to just one, so be sure to check out the following and their selected citing references (thoughtfully provided, of course, by Techmeme):

Those'll keep me going until Leno, at least.


A Blawg Feed Widget! (And More)

JuristBlogger is new, and I like it because it offers some cool features without trying to do too much. (Nice interface, too.) The key points:

There's an aggregator page too, for those seeking that "river of news" experience across the entire directory.

I'm not getting the greatest responsiveness out of the site at the moment, hopefully the site's launch/this post and others won't aggravate the problem, and/or Josh will be able to step up his bandwidth allotment. Also, I'm curious how Josh will manage the inevitable directory spam problem. Give it a spin and see what you think. I think: so far, so good.


PME; Podcast Academy IV

I'm looking forward to the Podcast and Portable Media Expo again this year — last year sizzled, this year is bound to combust. In addition to co-moderating the legal workshop there with Colette Vogele and Jeff Heninger/Heninger, I'm thrilled to have been asked to lead a session at Podcast Academy 4 just before the PME kicks off. Hope to see you at one or both of these great events.


Beet It


Another Credibility Point For Blawgs Among The Appellate Judiciary

Professor Shaun Martin at the University of San Diego School of Law writes: "Pretty interesting when a fairly substantial portion of your dissent entails a block quote from a blawg. As Judge O'Scannlain — joined by four others — does here." [Via Kim Kralowec]

Harper v. Poway Unified School Dist. (9th Cir. - July 31, 2006)
 | digg story