
Free Your Mind

Ownit offers free IP news and advice geared toward London's creative community.

And Blawg Review, your free weekly guide to the blawgospheric highlights, is served up this week by Jeremy Blachman (and friend/Frankenstein).


A Gaggle Or Two

It's so good to be home after two weeks on the road. Just uploaded pics from AlwaysOn and Vasona Park.

AO '06

AO '06

AO '06


More Re Chinese Menus

Julie Fleming Brown has a thoughtful and incisive post on the work-life balance considerations discussed here recently. Read the whole thing, particularly the part beginning with:

It seems to me that when work/life balance is discussed, the conversation is very often preceded by an internal eye-rolling, a deep sigh, and the thought, 'here we go again, another lawyer who isn't willing to work hard and who just wants a free and easy ride to the good life.' I think that attitude sells everyone short — the lawyers, the firms, and the clients. . . .

Her bottom line:

I do not think work/life balance is just a fad, nor do I think it signals a decline in lawyer commitment to practice or to client service. I think it's a call for more transparency in practice expectations on the part of both lawyers and their law firms, and a call for lawyers to pay closer attention to what they want in their careers and in their lives.


NeXus Journal Blawg Issue

People sometimes ask if I think blawgs will take the place of law journals. Eventually, something like them, sure. For now, at least one law journal is writing about blawgs, publishing blawgers, and writing its own blawg.

How are Blogs Affecting the Legal World?, Volume 11 of the NeXus Journal. (Thanks Tom, for the heads up it's now online.)


Among The Many Perks Of New Media Clients

They're bound to interview you and post it on the Web. Go watch newly retained Ourmedia counsel Colette Vogele as interviewed by birthday boy JD Lasica.