
AlwaysOn: Two Awesome Videos

From Peter Hirschberg's keynote:

There's also an incredible "MLAA" clip, but I can't find it!! Will try. [Update:] Dave Sifry advises that one's a Peter Hirschberg original, not yet uploaded; stay tuned.


AlwaysOn:  Photos


AlwaysOn: Benioff Keynote

Salesforce's Marc Benioff (after determining that 60% of the audience used Yahoo!, Gmail, etc. for their personal email but still Outlook, etc. at work), on Exchange Server, Lotus Notes, and other commonly used enterprise email platforms: "It's the worst piece of technology in the whole industry!" Oh wow, I had no idea this was out there: Gmail for your domain. (Note it's on a secure server.)

Discussing various key aspects of Web services/software as a service*:

  • Transparency: see [Update:] In the later related panel: "At Oracle we didn't have a 'trust' page — we had an F.U. page! [audience laughs] I'm not kidding!!"

  • Mashups: see Bikramfinder (a Salesforce client)

*[Update:] Dan Farber captured all 10 factors.


MySpace, WhoseStuff

  • Marty Schwimmer: "[T]hat a policing 'bot (or human supervision thereof) should be empowered to take down the site for 40 hours - that's of some concern."

  • Ed.: "Raff may be breaking new ground for lawyers, riffing on MySpace, but as bloggers of his generation go he's not atypical." And the corollary: "Good thing he knows his way around Internet law."


More WLB Discussion

  • Bruce Boyden: "[T]his interesting article (sub. req.) appeared in the New York Law Journal..."

  • Hastings' Project for Attorney Retention (PAR): "We're revamping 'The Scoop' — a treasure trove of information about what it is really like to work a flexible schedule at particular firms."

  • Justin Patten: "[W]ith some exceptions[,] cutting-edge creative lawyers DO NOT have a place in mainstream law firms."

In Blawg Review #67 David Fischer also thought these were worth checking out, and has more.