
Maybe You'd Get Served With A Virtual Summons?

Bloggger and trademark lawyer Marty Schwimmer has a fascinating post about the use of real world trademarks in virtual world Second Life.

Real Trademark Issues In Virtual Worlds | digg story


Google's Net Neutrality Strategy

Internet pioneer and Google VP Vint Cerf says Google's next stop on the quest to ensure net neutrality is the DOJ's antitrust division, if and when "something bad happens."

Google says bill could spark antitrust fight | digg story


Do You Own Your Web Site?

This California Lawyer Magazine article looks at how copyright disputes can result under the work-for-hire doctrine because Web designers typically are independent consultants and not "employees."

Do You Own Your Website? | digg story

[Update:] C.E. Petit doesn't disagree with the article's analysis, but thinks the underlying authorities raise constitutional issues.


Search Engines in Overdrive

This California Lawyer Magazine article explains how "improving your search engine ranking, or 'search engine optimization,' can be fraught with legal pitfalls."

Search Engines in Overdrive | digg story


The 12 reasons why UK businesses don't blog

UK online marketing firm econsultancy has blogged its "12 reasons why UK businesses don't blog," and provided well-considered responses to each of the concerns. I like No. 10: "Q: You think blogging is all hype / a passing fad / for kids. A: Sure it is, whatever you say..."

The 12 reasons why UK businesses don't blog | digg story