
InformationWeek Examines Pending Legislation Re Copying Media

Alice LaPlante takes a look at "multiple bills are now in progress in Congress that would further erode the rights of consumers to copy, move, or share media for their own personal use."

Media Distribution Rights: Here Come The Judges (And Congress) | digg story


Cast Pods This Way


One Year Post-Grokster, File Sharing Still Thriving

AP's Alex Veiga cuts through the post-Grokster decision spin and notes that "[a]lthough the threat of litigation did force the operators of BearShare, WinMX and i2Hub to shut down, the number of people using file-sharing services has gone up." The average number of simulaneous file sharing users is up 1.1 million from last year.

More on the one year anniversary of MGM v. Grokster:

File-Sharing Still Thrives After Ruling | digg story

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Out On The Slopes

Fantastic news (thanks Ed!): Henry Jenkins is blogging. Not to single out any one post, 'cause they're all good, but here's Further Reflections on YouTube vs. RIAA — mashed up with a visual aid:

bottom line

(From Blogs+IP)


German Publisher Drops Claims "Unlikely To Succeed" Re Google Library

Google SVP and General Counsel David Drummond comments on the company's blog about a German publisher's decision to drop its copyright lawsuit challenging the Google Library project.

Drummond's post
 | digg story

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