
Blawg Review #63

Sheryl Schelin, full-time in-house counsel for the Horry County Department of Airports, presents Blawg Review #63. This week's tour of the blawgosphere connects through 12 major metropolitan airports with nary a lost bag or delay.

Blawg Review #63 | digg story


Google Browser Sync

Google's new Firefox plugin "unifies your bookmarks, history, saved passwords, and persistent cookies across all the computers on which you install it." Now, if I could only get something that would do this for podcast subscriptions in iTunes.

Google Browser Sync | digg story


Second Life On The Street

"The Urban Simulation Team @ UCLA is a research group exploring applications for real-time visual simulation in design, urban planning, emergency response, and education." Cool high-res virtual images of various spots around L.A. are available from William Jepson.


Today's New Blawg

Participatory law happens in all manner of different ways, including when a lawyer solves an "I wish there were..." problem with a freasy (my sandwich word of the day, free+easy) technological tool. And so we have California Supreme Court Pending Civil Cases, a blog that "lists and describes all currently pending civil cases in which the California Supreme Court has granted review, excluding those on grant and hold." Courtesy of appellate lawyer Martin Buchanan. And here's another little practitioner's/blogger's/newshound's tip: once you read Martin's blog and find some cases you want to follow, you can sign up for the Court to send you email notifications of future events. That way, you can be among the first to know when a big new decision comes down. (No, the California Supreme Court doesn't speak RSS. Yet.)



  1. Needed: a more accurate sounding phrase than "rich client." (No, not the kind of rich client that might generally come to mind.) There is nothing about the Gmail experience that is not "rich."
  2. Nice: to see Ask.com signage overlooking Highway 880 in downtown Oakland.
  3. Niche-y: Though I think Lawbby looks interesting and potentially happening, and I wish Chris and Kevin well, I tend to agree with holohan: if what you're looking for is a way to relate in a MySpace-y sort of way, there's always, uh, MySpace.

[Update:] Keep up with Lawbby via Chris Rempel's blog.

[Update:] Just to compare apples with 27.4 billion pound gorillas: "MySpace has 75 million users (see somewhat dated comparison stats here), 15 million daily unique logins, is growing by a massive 240,000 new users per day, and is generating nearly 30 billion monthly page views (that's 10,593 page views per second)."