
Low Back To The Future

Are You a Yankee or a Rebel? (See no. 6, and Blawgs, phonolawgically speaking. Note also no. 9's yummy — and apropos — sandwich theme.) [Via the ineffable Amanda]


Give Us The News

Trademark practitioner Marty Schwimmer, whose wife just defended her dissertation (so does this make Marty Herr Doctor? or just, I'm With Her), has an update to his earlier thoughts about Web 2.0 as an enforceable service mark: "[T]he trademark lawyer has to advise the client that adopts this 'brand as buzzword' strategy that its likely result is razor-thin trademark protection, and backlash when those thin rights are asserted." No shortage of gray matter around that Schwimmer household.


'It's All Part Of The Mystery'

Or so said my two-year-old today. Realizing he picked it up from Jay Jay the Jet Plane (where the little planes routinely solve Brenda Blue's mysteries) didn't make it sound any less oracular.


Bang For The Cluck

Wired Magazine (14.01, 01/06), How Click Fraud Could Swallow the Internet: "PPC [pay per click] providers seem doomed, at least for the near future, to an endless race against the scammers, spammers, and network jammers."

Reuters (today), Internet advertising up 38 percent in 1st quarter: "[T]he preliminary first-quarter figures indicate the strength of online advertising, which grew to a $12.5 billion industry last year from less than $1 billion in 1997."


Off The Grid

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TGI Naptime