
Linked And Not Forgotten

Derek Powazek: "Where's the Apple Movie Store? Ask the MPAA."

Jeff Jarvis: "No single group sends me more email marked 'not for blogging' than reporters and editors at the New York Times." (Note to Jeff: could be you're not in regular contact with enough lawyers ;).)

Helen Gunnarsson: "Through the power of the Internet, attorney bloggers are expanding a community that's making the practice of law more effective and more enjoyable."

You probably already knew or guessed that Tom Mighell is extremely busy but still in control of the situation, has integrity and self-honesty (and doesn't fool himself into making commitments he cannot keep), and still has time to be cordial and polite, even to people who can't help him with his current workload. But you might not have known this comes through even in the way he blows someone off — and that this indubitably makes him a Lifehacker. (Compare John Palfrey's recent observance of the opposite sort of example.)

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Unluck Of The Irish

Tom Raftery has a fascinating interview (MP3; show notes) with TJ McIntyre of Digital Rights Ireland. You can subscribe to his PodLeaders podcast here.


Two Great Tastes

Anne Broache at CNET heralds H.R. 5417, the Internet Freedom and Nondiscrimination Act of 2006. More from Doc Searls.


Best. Blawg Review.  Ever.

Blawg Review #58 is up, and it is epic. Thank you Kevin, you're an ajax programmer and an algorithm or two shy of quit-your-dayjob material.

Thank goodness Ed. had the foresight to make him-or-herself the act to follow #58 (for the Memorial Day edition), it would have been callous to delegate such a spot. Do take pity on the poor [insert gender neutral descriptor of your choice], and be sure to submit for next week.


Pod Law

Podcasting and Portable Media Expo

Please join us at the Podcasting and Portable Media Expo, September 29-30, Ontario, CA; registration here.

And/or there's the Corporate Podcasting Summit in Redwood City, June 20-21.

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