
BlogLaw Materials

Lauren Gelman's slides on network neutrality, and Raymond Nimmer's on blogs and copyright [update: and more from Mia Garlick, Mary Hodder, and Ray Hixson] are available here.

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Milken+Bloggers; Digitial Video+IP

Jason Calacanis and Weblogs, Inc. are Blogging Milken (more). Look for their coverage on Wednesday to include Cathy Kirkman on Intellectual Property and the New Video Revolution.


BlogLaw Pics

Some pictures from the Blog Law and Blogging for Lawyers conference. Notes to follow; meantime see Joe; David; Cathy; Dennis; Kevin.

Maiden Lane dining establishment

Lunch Gang

[Technorati tag: ; flickr tag: bloglaw]


BlogLaw Central

Two words on the Blog Law and Blogging for Lawyers conference: Joe Gratz. (And his photos.) Great work. Left my MacBook at home (never, by the way, have I seen so many lawyers and so many Macs happily occupying the same space) and my notes with the hotel valet (quite a tipper, hmm?), will hopefully collect and blog the latter tomorrow. The talks so far have been eminently worthwhile, as you can see for yourself; Joe's capturing all the salient points.

David Maizenberg has more, not to mention a most welcome new blog: "Decisis – Law and Lawyering in the Attention Economy." (Though David has nothing if not questionable taste in his TV/video programming wishlist.)

Tomorrow should be particularly exciting, featuring among other things EFF's Kurt Opsahl, fresh off today's oral argument in Apple v. Does.

Kudos Cathy and Dennis, it's not easy to get a bunch of lawyers talking knowledgeably, sensibly, and informatively about blogging, and you've pulled it off with skill.

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Ian Best is collecting law review articles citing blawgs.

N.Y. Law Firm Ruled a Public Figure in Defamation Suit (and it doesn't even have a blog!). [Via]

Cool gift: Digital Photo Album.

Trying too hard: Binary Code Watch.

Wish I could go: The Singularity Summit (guaranteed to be the 21st century's legal-yet-every-bit-as-mind-altering alternative to a day spent tripping on acid).