

In the rentalCamry not ten seconds before the first three presets are tuned to Alice, KFOG, and Live 105. I wonder if the locals (I was once a local) appreciate the lushness, the luxury, of three solid stations, one of which is always playing something listenable while the others are hiccupping boredom or commercials. All becoming all too irrelevant, but not if the charger's 400 miles away and you're in battery conservation mode.

Cruising up 24 (no obligatory preceding "the" in this part of the world, Northern Californians need no articles for their freeways), traffic-free at 7 p.m., toward The W.C. (Fox's next big hit). San Francisco sunset in the rear view. Tyler in the back boppin' out to some Gorillaz (ha ha ha ha ha), which I didn't realize until just now was a "virtual" band. Of course. Eucalyptus above the Caldecott, its walls still scraped, bare. The Lamorinda side holds a whole new word for Tyler ("Mountain"), bits of trees and highway barrier that are older than I am (for a change), sky that has to have been vacuumed, and the sense of the nearby residences of friends who have become what I remember of my younger parents — house in the East Bay hills convenient to BART, kids, a driveway seemingly sloped just for small wheeled conveyances, a dog, a vegetable garden, perhaps a skeleton or two in the closet, but no one would be so gauche as to look.

Amazing how a place becomes so traced on your neurons, how you don't notice that until you're there and they're all firing one nostalgic volley after another. (Is Fentons still here? Thank god. Now maybe I can shut up and get some sleep.)


All Grokked Up

I'll be paying a visit to the Grokster program tomorrow afternoon sponsored by the Orange County Bar Association Intellectual Property/Technology Law Section, then heading up to Northern California for the rest of the week. Tuesday night is our own program about the very same case, Discovering the New Legal Landscape for Digital Media, in connection with U.C. Berkeley's Haas School of Business. There's still room, and we'd love to have you, but please RSVP by emailing Leslie Austin so we know you're coming. If all goes as planned we'll podcast the audio, check back here for the particulars. Other pertinent details: the program features Pamela Sameulson, Hank Barry, and me as panelists, and Greg Beattie as our able moderator. Registration starts at 6:30 p.m., with the program from 7:00 to 8:30 in the Haas School's Wells Fargo Room. Hope to see you there!


Congratulations Are In Order

Alice doesn't blog here anymore. Instead, the witty proprietress of A Mad Tea Party has, in true superheroine fashion, revealed her secret identity. And unleashed a new blog and new law firm on the world. (I'm not sure in what order.) Congratulations all around Ms. Karl, and welcome back.

Toddler B-Day. Precocious little has just turned two. A touch too big for my favorite Halloween costume of the season, but just right for one of the runners up.


Podcast Industry Validation; Choice, Beautiful Choice

Disruptions 2005 (pic) today was good fun, many thanks to our moderator Hank Barry, and copanelists David Thomas, VP/General Manager of the SIIA's Software Division, and Glenn Magala, VP and CIO at Atari. Thanks too to Deloitte for a great event, still in progress.

A couple of notes to the Gillmor Gang (who've touched on both subjects recently) from my travels today:

  • There's an article in Southwest Airlines Spirit Magazine about techie trucker Tom Wiles. Too bad it's not online, but his blog and podcast are.

  • Yeah, the Internet operating system is just about here. My tidbit of proof: blogging from Oakland Airport's Laptop Lane; traveling light today, no computer, but they've got 'em if you need 'em. All I need is a browser to check in and get things done, and the icing on the cake are the options you're given when checking in: "IE, Firefox, or AOL?" Ahh...


From Open Origins

A reader emailed to point out that Apple now seeks to trademark "iPodcast". It's interesting and important to bear in mind that the whole burgeoning podcasting industry — it's got conferences, venture capital, trade publications, business models, it's an industry — grows directly from open source and Creative Commons licensed roots.

Speaking of Disruptions, that's where I'll be this afternoon. Greetings and welcome to any first time B&B visitors from there.