
Walking On Sunshine

Wait, that was another Katrina. Stay on top of and help with this one by visiting:


Milk Through Nostril Warning

The Commander-in-Chief is 404 (thanks to Mad Kane).

And around here, our little limberger has me channelling Yogi Berra (or perhaps a Commander-in-Chief speechwriter). Yesterday, I told my son in all sincerity (and futility, for that matter) that "All things in life worth waiting for take time."


All Smells Aside

From Bill Maher's most recent New Rules:

  • On referring to your toddler's age in months: "He's not a cheese." (I'm still laughing.)

  • On the real estate bubble: "Luckily for me, all my money is tied up in Google, sunscreen and guns!"


Today's New Blawg

If you've been wondering when the heck someone would launch a blawg devoted to MGM v. Grokster (which I see has its own Wikipedia entry), wait no longer. Law student Nick Salazar has got you covered with his No Sharing Allowed, "MGM v. Grokster and beyond." Nick and I talked a little bit about this before he launched, and he's off to a great start.

Hey Nick, speaking of law school and Wikipedia, damn! Where was this when I was in school?? (Drill down into the categories and subcategories via the navigation on the right of that page.)


ABTL Grokster Dinner, 9/27

I'm really honored and excited to have the chance to participate in this: on September 27, I'll be moderating a panel that will discuss the MGM v. Grokster decision at a dinner presented by the Los Angeles Chapter of the Association of Business Trial Lawyers (ABTL). The full program description and registration information are here: Promoting Copyright Infringement: The 'Grokster' Decision and the Future of Digital Distribution. This panel just rocks. It will consist of:

I hope to see you there, or in Northern California the week before. (By the way, I just got the PDF flyer for the Berkeley event; it came out well, check it out (44KB)). Or, if your thirst for analysis of things Grokster is truly out of control, at both. (And if that's the case, my next post should interest you too.)