
Thicket In Your Ear

With apologies to PodShow (though it looks like they may have dropped the "Stick It In Your Ear?" tagline?), that's what we're calling the session (November 12, 3:15-4:15) Bret Fausett, Ernie Miller, and I will conduct at the Portable Media Expo on legal issues related to podcasting. Hope to see you there! (Here are the registration details.)


Mothers And Others

Happy 20th to:

Blawg Review, which celebrates its 20th installment in real-time (as in, reality tv-time) thanks to the Mommy Blawger — who has her own Happy 20th thing going on, being roughly that many weeks along.

Happy 21st to:

The Staccato podcast, which celebrates its 21st show with a "Best Of" edition, and an interview with Professor Lawrence Lessig (whose guest blogger at the moment is Hilary Rosen, in case you hadn't noticed).

Happy 5 to:

The MommyCast, which has a fantastic interview with The 5 Browns — fantastic because it's an actual conversation, and the enthusiastic and well-informed Paige and Gretchen ask all the questions you might.


The Day In Grok

Oxford Analytica doesn't think the MGM v. Grokster decision will slow down file sharing: "Restructuring to reduce or eliminate intermediaries in the current business model for content distribution appears inevitable."

More grok talk on the horizon: The Orange County Bar Association's Intellectual Property/Technology Law section will have a Grokster lunch on September 19. And don't forget our Grokster program at U.C. Berkeley on September 20.


If It's Monday, There Must Be New Stuff

Lots of reports out there on Google Sidebar (now part of Desktop). Sounds like a desktop aggregator (can you add things via RSS, or is it powered strictly by Google's index?), no Mac version yet. Also, via Matt Homann: Steve Jurvetson's pics (and he takes uniquely great pics) of Google's Master Plan.

And over at Amazon, we've got Shorts: "It's all digital and only 49 cents.". (Via Genie Tyburski, who points too to Forbes on Eight Masters of Information, aka "The 2005 E-Gang").


Rappin' With John

I sat down with John Furrier, his tiny iRiver, and two incongruously enormous microphones, while we were at the AlwaysOn conference. The resulting interview, about "blog trends and implications for business" apparently (like I remember??), is now available for your listening pleasure at Podtech.net.