
Still Crazy

Carolyn Elefant debriefs after BlogHer: "When I made the decision to attend Blogher, I threw ROI out the window." Among other things, what I mostly learned is the extent to which Halley and I have devolved into poster children for well-traveled Billy Joel tunes. (I'm really looking forward to her Werner Vogels interview, and if you missed the Meg Hourihan one, go remedy that right now.)


China Chill, WebWatch:

One of China's leading portals, NetEase, announced today it has shut its MP3 search facility, fearing it could be blamed for the illegal music files that such a search turns up, even though it has no dealings with the pirates.


Grokster Colored Glasses

Links for thought:


I'm Soaking In It

Motherhood milestone of the weekend: first dunking by grinning child of entire, electronics-filled purse into fountain. Cell phone and car remote responded well to CPR, camera may have expired. (You'll be relieved or saddened to learn that no Blackberries perished in the incident; I'm holding out for the Singularity.)


Too. Darned.  Cool.

Search the published opinions of Judge John G. Roberts, courtesy of the folks at askSam:

Search and analyze the published opinions of Supreme Court nominee, Judge John G Roberts. On July 19, 2005, Judge John G. Roberts was nominated by President George W. Bush to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court left by the retirement of Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. In two years on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Judge Roberts has helped decide about 120 cases and written 49 published opinions.

Via ResourceShelf, via Genie Tyburski.