
TWiL 62 Video — Distributing Fractional Cows

Episode 62 Show Notes. Video archives for this WEEK in LAW are available at, on YouTube, and ODTV.  Also, TWiL is on Twitter and Facebook, if you're so inclined.


Asked And Answered

I was volunteering at Kindergarten when the principal and two 5th graders — one African American, one Caucasian — made an unannounced visit. The principal explained they were there to "give back to the community," by reading a story called The Crayon Box That Talked. He said it was a simple story with an important lesson the children should try to notice. The two boys — clearly there due to some race-related scuffle — read haltingly but doggedly. The different colored crayons started out not liking each other, but ultimately got along when a girl showed them they could make a beautiful picture. The principal interjected throughout: "Oh, they don't like each other." "Hmm, look what they can all do together!" Finally, he turned to the class.

Principal: Okay boys and girls, who can tell me the lesson of the story?

My child: "Be nice to your friends."

Principal: Yes, yes, that's certainly part of it.

Classmate: "Don't judge people by how they look."

Principal (delighted): Yes, exactly! Anyone else?

Another classmate: "Don't buy talking crayons!"

(If you can keep from whooping with laughter when this sort of thing happens, you're a far stronger human than I.)


TWiL 61 Video — Transformers Transformed

Episode 61 Show Notes. Video archives for this WEEK in LAW are available at, on YouTube, and ODTV.  Also, TWiL is on Twitter and Facebook, if you're so inclined.


If Eden's Tree Grew Carrots And Ranch Dressing

Guardian of the Forest

Guardian of the Forest
Originally uploaded by Garrette

Overheard backseat conversation:

Child's friend:
The "F" word* isn't a bad word, it just means "sexy."

Child: (Very long pause...)
What's "sexy" mean?

Child's friend: (Even longer pause...)
I don't really know.

*(No telling which "F" word either or both had in mind.)


TWiL 60 Video — Open Source Toyotas

Episode 60 Show Notes. Video archives for this WEEK in LAW are available at, on YouTube, and ODTV.  Also, TWiL is on Twitter and Facebook, if you're so inclined.