
Take It Where You Find It

The number of people inspired to song by the thought of jucidial filibuster compromises is sadly low. Mad Kane though is in that select and mellifluous group.

[Update:] Hold the phone, there's Lynching Is Bad, Who Knew? as well. I'm told there may be a podcast feed in the offing for the audio versions of these offerings, stay tuned. (Heh. Adam and friends already need to update that definition of "podcast," as it reads, "In the future, radio shows like All Things Considered and Rush Limbaugh will be available in this manner..." All Things Considered at least apparently dipped its toe in the water, and Rush has of course gone ahead, cannonballed in, and even (gasp!) become a copyfighter, as BoingBoing observed.)


Newsy Bits


The Law Now

For a peek at a narrow slice of what we're thinking about for the discussion Buzz and I will lead at Gnomedex (our topic is "The Law Now"), you can check out the links I've been posting to tag lawnow (they're mostly links I promised Buzz I'd get him following a brainstorming session we had last week that covered a good deal more ground than what's reflected there). Better yet: if there are things you think are important to a discussion on this topic, please post your links to that tag and we'll be sure to check them out. Or, of course, you can email me.

[Exciting Update:] The pace around the Pirillo household must be approaching about "impossibly frenzied" by now. More participants are being added, and Jason Calacanis will be co-leading this session with us.


Putting The DMCA To Good Use

Kevin Marks identifies a great use of the DMCA: bringing the wrath of their ISPs and Google down on spamblogs. Phenomenal idea, Mr. Marks!

[Update:] Ernie Miller says not so fast. The conversation continues in his comments.


Standing Gnome Only

Gnomedex is officially sold out, but 30 "Cove" passes (adjacent room, for session audio and video) are available. Check out the new keynote speaker just added. If you're hankering to sextangulate your aggregation, try these searches in PubSub, Feedster, and Technorati, and the Gnomedex tags in Technorati,, and Flickr.

[Technorati tag: ]