
Sometimes I Really Want To Move Back Up North

If only to be able to go to things like this on short notice and without needing to board a plane: John Markoff at PARC as part of the SD Forum Distinguished Speaker series. Renee Blodgett has the rundown.


Today's New Blawg

Alex Scoble, IT manager for law firm Tomlinson Zisko and Robert's brother, writes Alex Scoble's IT Notes - A Law Firm IT Manager Blog, replete with useful tips and wisdom. Thanks Marty, for the heads up, and a belated happy 3rd birthday!


Gnome Time Like The Present

It's high time to register for Gnomedex 5.0 if you haven't already done so. Why?


Or You Could Read Groklaw

There's an Open Source Business Conference legal workshop coming up in September: "The OSBC Legal Workshop is designed to bring attorneys and business executives together to analyze the most critical Open Source legal challenges affecting businesses today. . . ."


Today's New Blawgs, Podcasts

Sound Evidence is by Mary Mack at Fios, and blogs up interesting developments from the electronic discovery frontier. There's also an interesting looking Fios podcast, which I just added to the old subscription queue.

Over the weekend, I also got around to listening the Elizabeth "Fletch" Fletcher's Blawgzine plawdcasts. (Feed) Nice! Good information, ecclectic music. Elizabeth herself has a voice and cadence well suited to podcasting, and opinions she doesn't hesitate to let rip. I didn't actually agree with a few of them, but that's fine—in fact, it's great.