
Three Times A Blawg Review

Speaking of finding interesting stuff you might not otherwise encounter: spend some time with the third installment of Blawg Review, courtesy of Appellate Law & Practice.


Today's New Blawg

I've been enjoying Barely Legal, "The Underachiever's Guide to Law School." (And as usual, if you enjoy it too checking their blogroll and link cosmos is a great way to find yet more you might like.) Spotlight posts:


Free (From) Jar-Jar

Fred von Lohmann, on the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act: "[H]ow about a 'Jar-Jar free' version of Star Wars: Episode 1, ClearPlay?"

This reminds me:

  • If you've done a great podcast recently, it's sadly going to be awhile until I hear it. I'm under the control of the Sith for fourteen listening hours of the foreseeable future.

  • Fred has graciously agreed to be my guest on the next Sound Policy. We'll discuss the new Act, among other things. Questions you'd like to have answered? Let me know.


Timely Note

I'd like to take a moment tell the L.A. Times I'd gladly pay twice the cover charge for the Sunday paper if they'd eliminate, say, 24 ounces or so of the included advertising inserts. I'd like to think this is not solely because I live in Orange County. Instead, I'd like to put our little red wagon to better uses than newspaper transport.


Just For Fun, Today's Old Blawg

Fun with the Internet Archive. Bag and Baggage in: