
Money, Meet Mouth

Shel Holtz, New Podcast Search Launches...sort of, re Podscope: "How well does it work? Beats me, since a visit to the Podscope site reveals nothing more than a placeholder page announcing, 'We're listening. You're searching. Podscope is coming soon.' To announce the service but not have it available for testing is the worst kind of marketing."


The 100 Gig Gig

It seems I perennially have 50 Gmail invitations. Even when from time to time I send one out, it doesn't take long for the stock to replenish itself back to 50. It's a phenomenal tool and I can definitely see wanting multiple accounts, so if you're still in need feel free to hit me up.

I finally started using labels in Gmail more extensively, and they're every bit as addicting as the other features if not more so. Labels are tailor made for people who like folksonomic tags or weblog categories: click one hypertext link and that slice of your world falls immediately into order.


Organic Categories, Unique IDs

If you were at all interested in my recent ramblings about, you'll enjoy Clay Shirky's talk from ETech, Ontologies are Overrated, available now at IT Conversations. Clay discusses the online move away from "crisp" categorization systems to organic ones, made possible by unique identifiers like URLs.

On the subject of unique identifiers and, Aldo Castañeda also pinged me about, with the thought that, as a "new layer of infrastructure [that] enables individuals and organizations to establish persistent Internet identities and form long-term, trusted peer-to-peer data sharing relationships," XDI might address the confusion issues I was speculating about in my podcast. Says Aldo, "XDI globally unique IDs, which can be assigned to tangible things like logos (embedded with origination info) have many interesting implications for trademark law." Agreed. Definitely something to watch. Also something to watch: Aldo's collaborative history of digital identity.


Today's New Blawgs

Welcome to the blogosphere, Neil Squillante, Sara Skiff, and the TechnoLawyer Blog! The blog promises to be a great way to keep up on doings in the TechnoLawyer community, and on its newsletters like IP Memes, several past issues of which I've authored. You can look for Steve Nipper's writing there in current installments.

And, as I see from visiting the Invent Blog to pull in that last link, the rethink(IP) blog is off and running as well. This is a group blog by Steve, J. Matthew Buchanan and Douglas Sorocco. I've been digging their podcasts, and the blog is a welcome addition.


Gnome Sweet Gnome

Yeah, so, I'm getting pretty darn fired up for Gnomedex...