
And Sending It Too

Doc answers his email in public, and we've been covering both sides of the conversation over at Between Lawyers, where we're having a chat about the ins and outs of Creative Commons licensing. Also, I see that Between Lawyers has received 57 comments to date and our heads don't seem to have exploded, so...your input is most welcome. Consider yourself cc'd.


When Life Gives You Metaphors

Someone needs to create a fantastical short story or fable around this woman who is nursing a tiger cub. (via Blogging Baby)

(More, if less dramatic, potential fable fodder: Daylight time: a cruel joke at parental expense; Are you insane – or just a work at home mom?)


Today's New (Uber) Blawg

Blawg Review, another fine exercise in edited aggregation brought to you by Kevin Heller and Evan Schaeffer, as well as the many who have already signed up to host forthcoming installments of the Review. (Context.)


2005.04.03 Show Notes

Today's podcast discusses fun with aggregated feeds and traffic fragmentation, trackforwards, and "ICATT."

2005.04.03 (MP3, 4.1MB); select a quote[quoteplay player]

Plawdcast Feed

Go on, subscribe!


Salsa Is A Vegetable

Really, no foolin'. There is hope for my nutricicidal tendencies yet. Via this wonderful if musty post that isn't afraid to make the next logical inquiry: "Now, can we make onion dip a vegetable?" Or clam dip for that matter? Ah yes, that's from the seafood part of the food pyramid.

But enough about nutrition, on to weightier stuff. Like AutoDrink™:

4. What if I don't want to use Auto-Drink™?

No problem – simply turn off Auto-Drink™ on your Google Gulp preferences page.

5. Well, shouldn't Auto-Drink™ be default-off?

You mean we should cripple a perfectly useful feature just because of a little bad PR?

6. Yes.
