

In October, Evan Williams asked "Next?," and today (technically tomorrow in this time zone), John Markoff and the New York Times provide the answer, For a Start-Up, Visions of Profit in Podcasting: "Odeo (pronounced OH-dee-oh) means to be podcast central - an all-in-one system that makes it possible for someone with no more equipment than a telephone to produce podcasts and also makes it possible for users to assemble custom playlists of audio files and copy them directly onto MP3 audio players." Fantastic news, good luck Ev!! (They may be Clueless in the valley, but SF's not a bad drive if you hit traffic right, and there's no question the food's better.)

The NYT article also touches on Audible's podcasting plans, discussed more fully by Paid Content and Steve Rubel.

[Update:] Ev's post; Odeo; Odeo blog (compare); TEDBlogCentral.


2005.02.24 Show Notes

Today's podcast (in 2 parts) covers intriguing tidbits from Lawrence Lessig and others; more on the ASCAP podcasting license; good deals and bad taste at Amazon; a gadget-loving Aussie; lawyers and podcasting; and a preview of podcasting attractions.

2005.02.24, part 1 (MP3, 2.8MB); select a quote[quoteplay player]

2005.02.24, part 2 (MP3, 7.5MB); select a quote[quoteplay player]

Plawdcast Feed

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Blog Posts: The Kinder, Gentler Cease And Desist?

See Kevin Heller on the subject.


Friends Like These

Let's hope the clerks are keeping their optometric prescriptions current: at least 28 amicus briefs in Grokster so far, 19 supporting the petitioners (MGM, etc.), including (oh, the irony) one (PDF) filed by Napster and others who assert that if the decision stands "they all must continue to operate under the impossible market condition of competing with Respondents' illegal black market services." The respondents' (StreamCast, Grokster) briefs and a whole new round of supporting amicus briefs are due March 1.

Bonus link, Copyfight, Time Out for the U.S. Solicitor General?"


Hooked On Both

The March issue of Wired is out, themed "The End of Radio." Unlike the Los Angeles Times, Wired knows better than to take on such a theme without discussing podcasting. Adam Curry Wants to Make You an iPod Radio Star: "The podcasting scene is reminiscent of the early, heady days of blogging, circa 2001, a time before Wonkette made the cover of The New York Times Magazine. Like bloggers in the good old days, podcasters are obsessively internecine and gloriously, honestly unprofessional."

[Update:] Oops, meant to also highlight this exciting bit of news: "Ourmedia (, a grassroots media project backed by the Internet Archive, will provide free podcasting tools and permanent hosting for podcasts beginning in mid-2005."