
Between Biddies

One of my old college roommates phoned yesterday, loving the Lascivious Biddies cover of "Ask" (MP3 clip). I gave her Get Lucky as part of her birthday gift. Loyalty recoils at the thought of revealing which birthday, but let's just say we fondly remember The Smiths (and even the Sundays), and point to some megafauna with whom we might have shared the hospital nursery.


Ups And Downs

It seems the Dark Goddess of Replevin has had her elevator hostage time hijacked by the ingenuously named Captivate (and something else) as well.


Santa Clara County Bar Suggests "Write Off Your iPod As A Business Expense"

So much for being clueless in the valley: a reader and listener just clued me in that the Santa Clara County Bar Association is podcasting MCLE:

SCCBA is pleased to announce the first in an ongoing series of one-hour CLE-Podcasts. The cutting edge way to earn mcle self-study credit by downloading the cle to your iPod or other MP3 player!!!

The first show, er, session, "2004 in Review," is taught by Christine Burdick, includes a segment called "Stupid Ethics Tricks," and costs $45.00. (Ok, so they're not so very free from cluelessness; about the most I'd price—i.e., about the most I'd pay for—a 1-hour MCLE podcast is $10.00.)

Of course, you could also spread the love in the office and write off staff iPods if you were forwarding dictation files as RSS enclosures.


Today's New Blawg

I was hoping the upcoming ABA TECHSHOW would have a blog. And it does.


Gab Bag

Glenn Reynolds, at, on Lawblogging: "I guess it's no surprise that law professors and lawyers, who talk for a living, have a lot to say in the blogosphere, too."