

Feeding Baby: Simple, Healthy Recipes for Babies and Their Families, from the folks behind Nick & Stef's. If I manage to make even one of these recipes, I'm nominating myself mother of the millenium.


Bag Me With A Photo

Since I loved Jason Shellen's link to America 24/7 custom covers, I'll throw another one on the fire: Be A Bag by Anya Hindmarch, which allows you to upload photos to decorate a variety of swanky handbags, satchels, and even a pullman. Many of the styles let you put a different shot on each side. So if you were, for example, Kevin Heller, you could delight your new-mom-second-time-around wife with a holiday gift featuring both bambini. Fair warning, these are priced in pounds sterling and will set you back a pretty penny. More frugally, there's always CafePress and Shutterfly.

[Update:] A friend sends word of Bags of Love, which looks like a great alternative.


Fire Two

Congratulations to papa Kevin Heller, whose second is due to join us any minute now.


The Other OC

Neat: highlights, among other things, The Cleanest Men's Restroom In Orange County, and other goings on in Disneyland's Back Yard.


Fry's With That

Michael Hiltzik's Golden State column in today's L.A. Times discusses the generous funding Fry's Electronics provides the American Institute of Mathmatics. Hiltzik says shopping at Fry's has always struck him as a "geek penance." My pennance has always been staying away.